- Nov 15, 2019
Stefan Mauerberger authoredfaef9ccb
Stefan Mauerberger authored48a4e2bc
Stefan Mauerberger authored
Commenting out line 1308 no to confuse users
cc8d3c0e -
Stefan Mauerberger authored
``` MemoryError Unable to allocate array with shape (1000000, 255) and data type float64 ```
37d4f887 -
Stefan Mauerberger authored
- FieldTools are not yet online - Brach stefan still not merged to master Install conda-build; not within a certain env but to base ``` $ ~/miniconda3/bin/conda install conda-build ``` Go to root of the repo; where the directory FieldTools is located ``` $ ~/miniconda3/bin/conda build FieldTools ``` Added channel 'local' to CORBASS.yml ``` $ ~/miniconda3/bin/conda env create -f corbass.yml ```