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  • delucia/RedModRphree
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......@@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ Depends: R (>= 4.0), doParallel, phreeqc, mgcv, graphics, methods, stats, utils,
Suggests: RcppBTCS
License: LGPL-2.1
Encoding: UTF-8
RoxygenNote: 7.2.0
RoxygenNote: 7.2.1
LazyData: true
## Functions for RT simulations using through RcppBTCS's diffusion
### Marco De Lucia,, 2009-2022
### Time-stamp: "Last modified 2022-08-09 15:15:37 delucia"
### Time-stamp: "Last modified 2022-10-04 17:24:58 delucia"
##' This function is somehow equivalent to
##' \code{phreeqc::phrGetSelectedOutput} but it won't call
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ DiffRT <- function(setup, init, maxtime,
maxsim=1, ebreak=FALSE,
scheme="FTCS") {
......@@ -347,14 +347,16 @@ DiffusionScheme <- function(conc, inflow, dx, dt, alpha, scheme, transported) {
cnew <- data.matrix(conc)
if (scheme=="FTCS") {
for (sp in totrans) {
tmp <- as.numeric(c(inflow[sp], cnew[, sp]))
cnew[,sp] <- FTCS(tmp, dx, dt, alpha)
tmp <- as.numeric(conc[, sp])
cnew[,sp] <- FTCS(tmp, dx, dt, alpha, bc_left=inflow[sp])
} else {
## msg("Diffusing totrans=", paste(totrans, collapse = "; "))
for (sp in totrans) {
## msg("Diffusing names(inflow[sp])", names(inflow[sp]))
tmp <- as.numeric(c(inflow[sp], cnew[, sp]))
cnew[,sp] <- BTCS(tmp, dx, dt, alpha)
## msg("Diffusing names(inflow[sp])", names(inflow[sp]), "bc_left=", inflow[sp])
## msg("Colnames(cnew)=", paste(colnames(cnew), collapse = "; "))
## msg("sp=", sp)
cnew[,sp] <- as.numeric(BTCS(as.numeric(conc[, sp]), dx, dt, alpha, bc_left=inflow[sp]))
......@@ -365,11 +367,10 @@ DiffusionScheme <- function(conc, inflow, dx, dt, alpha, scheme, transported) {
} else {
cj <- c(inflow,conc)
if (scheme=="FTCS") {
cnew <- FTCS(cj, dx, dt, alpha)
cnew <- FTCS(conc, dx, dt, alpha, bc_left=inflow)
} else {
cnew <- BTCS(cj, dx, dt, alpha)
cnew <- BTCS(conc, dx, dt, alpha, bc_left=inflow)
if (typeof(cnew)!="double") {
msg("cnew is not double")
......@@ -380,44 +381,48 @@ DiffusionScheme <- function(conc, inflow, dx, dt, alpha, scheme, transported) {
##' @title Call \code{RcppBTCS::BTCS1D()}
##' @param field NumericVector of length n+1 with Dirichlet boundary
##' conditions prepended
##' @title Call \code{RcppTUG::run1D()}
##' @param field NumericVector of length n
##' @param dx the grid spacing in m
##' @param dt the required time step in s
##' @param alpha diffusion coefficient in m^2/s (constant,
##' homogeneous)
##' @param bc_left Dirichlet boundary condition at the left inlet
##' @return updated concentration vector
##' @author MDL
##' @export
BTCS <- function(field, dx, dt, alpha) {
n <- length(field)-1
dt = dt,
bc_left = field[1],
bc_right= -1)
BTCS <- function(field, dx, dt, alpha, bc_left) {
## msg("length(field):", length(field))
## msg("dim(field):", dim(field))
n <- length(field)
dt_divide = 1,
size_x = dx*n,
left = bc_left,
right = -1,
thomas = TRUE)[[1]]
##' @title Call \code{RcppBTCS::RcppFTCS()}
##' @param field NumericVector of length n+1 with Dirichlet boundary
##' conditions prepended
##' @title Call \code{RcppTUG::RcppFTCS()}
##' @param field NumericVector of length n
##' @param dx the grid spacing in m
##' @param dt the required time step in s
##' @param alpha diffusion coefficient in m^2/s (constant,
##' homogeneous)
##' @param bc_left Dirichlet boundary conditions at the left inlet
##' @return updated concentration vector
##' @author MDL
##' @export
FTCS <- function(field, dx, dt, alpha) {
RcppBTCS::RcppFTCS(n=length(field)-1, length=1,
field=field[-1], alpha=alpha,
bc_left = field[1], timestep = dt)
FTCS <- function(field, dx, dt, alpha, bc_left) {
field_size <- length(field)*dx
RcppTUG::RcppFTCS(n=length(field), length=field_size,
field=field, alpha=alpha,
bc_left = bc_left, timestep = dt)
##' @title Run a PHREEQC input and retrieve the DUMP
......@@ -2,13 +2,12 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/Rphree_Diffusion.R
\title{Call \code{RcppBTCS::BTCS1D()}}
\title{Call \code{RcppTUG::run1D()}}
BTCS(field, dx, dt, alpha)
BTCS(field, dx, dt, alpha, bc_left)
\item{field}{NumericVector of length n+1 with Dirichlet boundary
conditions prepended}
\item{field}{NumericVector of length n}
\item{dx}{the grid spacing in m}
......@@ -16,12 +15,14 @@ conditions prepended}
\item{alpha}{diffusion coefficient in m^2/s (constant,
\item{bc_left}{Dirichlet boundary condition at the left inlet}
updated concentration vector
Call \code{RcppBTCS::BTCS1D()}
Call \code{RcppTUG::run1D()}
......@@ -2,13 +2,12 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/Rphree_Diffusion.R
\title{Call \code{RcppBTCS::RcppFTCS()}}
\title{Call \code{RcppTUG::RcppFTCS()}}
FTCS(field, dx, dt, alpha)
FTCS(field, dx, dt, alpha, bc_left)
\item{field}{NumericVector of length n+1 with Dirichlet boundary
conditions prepended}
\item{field}{NumericVector of length n}
\item{dx}{the grid spacing in m}
......@@ -16,12 +15,14 @@ conditions prepended}
\item{alpha}{diffusion coefficient in m^2/s (constant,
\item{bc_left}{Dirichlet boundary conditions at the left inlet}
updated concentration vector
Call \code{RcppBTCS::RcppFTCS()}
Call \code{RcppTUG::RcppFTCS()}