This package serves as test bed for the developments about surrogate
models and reactive transport in the framework of the RedMod project.
It includes a number of utility functions to efficiently work with
PHREEQC, for which we use the phreeqc
R package from USGS, trying
to keep at minimum the external dependencies.
In R, the quickest way is to install the package devtools
and install
RedModRphree directly from this repository (git
must be installed already on your system):
## if you need to install devtools, just type in the R command line: ## install.packages("devtools") library(devtools) install_gitlab("delucia/RedModRphree", host="")
Optional: to install the package in a specific directory (which R must know about, e.g.,
specifying the variable R_LIBS_USER in the file $HOME/.Renviron
then, in R:
devtools::install_gitlab("delucia/RedModRphree", host="", lib="~/MyRPackageDir")
This should (hopefully) take care of all dependencies.
In your R session, just type:library(RedModRphree) ## loads package and dependencies
There are a bunch of demo scripts and datasets provided by the package:
demo(package="RedModRphree") ## displays a list of available demo scripts ## A simple Pourbaix diagram demo("demo-Pourbaix",package="RedModRphree") ## CAUTION: these take 1-2 minutes each ## some platform-independent parallelization is activated by default demo("demo-equilibrium",package="RedModRphree") demo("demo-kinetics",package="RedModRphree") ## CAUTION: these take 2-3 minutes each! demo("demo-eq-surr-RF",package="RedModRphree") demo("demo-kin-surr",package="RedModRphree") ## Instructions to obtain the code to the gmd2020-445 paper submitted to Geoscientific Model Development demo("demo-gmd2020-445",package="RedModRphree")