Feature/separate ac land water
This adds a separate atmospheric correction for water surfaces based on POLYMER.
Tasks to be solved before we can merge:
fix test_styles
CI job (runmake lint
in the root dir of EnPT locally and check the logs) -
implement acwater as optional requirement, i.e., auto-disable it if acwater + POLYMER is not installed -
redirect water EnMAP pixels to acwater and land pixels to SICOR IF acwater + POLYMER is installed -
combine atmospherically corrected results after running acwater and SICOR -
evaluate range of output in combined mode -
add all needed configuration parameter for acwater to config.py, options_default.json, options_schema.py -
update the EnPT console argument parser (enpt_cli.py) with the now parameters needed for acwater -
add documentation regarding acwater in installation.rst, algorithm_descriptions.rst, about.rst, README.rst and maybe also something in tutorial.rst -
add @brenner.silva_at_awi.de in AUTHORS.rst as soon as ICLA/CCLA is signed -
resolve all tasks and discussions in #47 (closed) -
include acwater and POLYMER in the CI runner to make automated software tests work -
provide software tests that cover acwater -
validate EnPT L2A results over water areas
Closes #47 (closed).
@brenner.silva_at_awi.de @nbohn:
Lets develop this further in this merge request. Simply continue pushing to feature/separate_ac_land_water and check the above boxes as soon as these tasks are done.
Edited by Daniel Scheffler