The format that is used by pymagmodel was first implemented for the gufm1 model and then adopted by the community to describe spline models. The model files are structured as follows:
* The first line consits of the interval for which the model is valid, followed by several model parameters
* The second line contains three integers: the maximal spherical harmonic degree, a meaningless number and the number of splines
* Then follows a block of years, specifying the knots for the cubic B-splines and a block of coefficients, containing first all coefficients for the first knot, then all for the second etc.
The code is somewhat flexible wich linebreaks. Only the linebreak after the first line is really necessary. If you have trouble parsing your own files, feel free to [contact]( one of the authors.
# Included models
pymagglobal comes with several models pre-included. Below is a description of those models.
| header 1 | header 2 | header 3 |
| --- | ------ |---------:|
| cell 1 | cell 2 | cell 3 |
| cell 4 | cell 5 is longer | cell 6 is much longer than the others, but that's ok. It will eventually wrap the text when the cell is too large for the display size. |