### python interface for global geomagnetic field models
pymagglobal serves the purpose of replacing some Fortran scripts, which are used in the geomagnetism community to evaluate global field models.
It works for files, given in a format first used by the gufm model and includes several models by default. Use
pymagglobal serves the purpose of replacing some Fortran scripts, which are used in the geomagnetism community to evaluate global field models.
It works for files given in a format which was first used by the gufm model and than established in the community. By default, pymagglobal includes several models. Use
$pymagglobal --list-models
to get a list of available models or go to [pymagglobal/dat](https://gitext.gfz-potsdam.de/arthus/pymagglobal/-/tree/master/pymagglobal/dat) for further information. You can dowload additional models [here](TODO: PROVIDE MODELS VIA FTP). Using
to get a list of these default models or go to [pymagglobal/dat](https://gitext.gfz-potsdam.de/arthus/pymagglobal/-/tree/master/pymagglobal/dat) for further information. You can dowload additional models [here](TODO: PROVIDE MODELS VIA FTP). Using