Copyright disclaimer
Hannes is planing to disseminate FieldTools under the GPLv3. In case, we have to go with the GPL, as well.
GFZ favours for EUPL. If we have to decide for the GPL is is wise to ask the GFZ to get a copyright disclaimer.
Hannes is planing to disseminate FieldTools under the GPLv3. In case, we have to go with the GPL, as well.
GFZ favours for EUPL. If we have to decide for the GPL is is wise to ask the GFZ to get a copyright disclaimer.
changed milestone to %Licensing
Case group 2c: approval via fast-track-procedure
I already worked through the form. Its on the way ...
On Fri, 15 Nov 2019 10:19:58 +0100 Maximilian Dolling wrote:
Hallo ., Ich habe gerade auch noch mal in das Repo reingeschaut. Folgende Bibliotheken und Lizenzen werden aktuell verwendet: python - PSFscipy - BSD matplotlib - PSF cartopy - LGPLv3+ conda-build - BSD pandas - BSDnumpy - BSD progressbar2 - BSD pyfield - GPL3 (laut Aussage von Stefan Mauerberger, entwickelt von Uni Potsdam)
Alle Lizenzen sind mit der GPL3 (oder GPL3+) vereinbar.