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  • 11-built-area-assessment-rules
  • 23-change-to-attributes-field
  • 24-refactor-the-select-rules
  • 9-delete-building-from-the-obm_buildings-table-if-the-building-id-does-not-exist-in-the
  • dev
  • main default
  • v25.01
7 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.031Jan7614Nov23Oct15Jul121028Mar19Oct1628Sep25222120Modify the selection statement to account for multiple sources24-refactor-the…24-refactor-the-select-rulesChange Rule attributes, add testsv25.01v25.01Change Rule attributes, add tests23-change-to-at…23-change-to-attributes-fieldRemove redundant subfolder structure of building rulesAdd general year of construction rule for buildingsmainmainAdd date from Valencian cadaster ruleAdd height from the GHSL characteristics typeAdd height from the OpenStreetMap height-related tagsConvert stories to the GEM Taxonomy height attributeConvert stories to the GEM Taxonomy height attributedevdevRaise an error if the number stories exceeds 175Remove rules11-built-area-a…11-built-area-assessment-rulesEdit statementAdd extra statementAdd extra statementUpdate READMEAdd built area assessment rulesDelete a building from the building database if it doesn't exist in the source database9-delete-buildi…9-delete-building-from-the-obm_buildings-table-if-the-building-id-does-not-exist-in-theHotfix: remove retrieval of OSM ID from POI SQL statementHotfix: resolve error parsing tags in rule StoriesAndFloorspaceHotfix: return occupancy string instead of python object for overriding occupanciesAdd the occupancy ruleAdd processing rulesAdd the obm_buildings ruleAdd the osm_replication ruleResolve "Setup project"Initial commit