Building rules
Select rules
- ObmBuildingsInformation
Get the information of one building, including the attributes of the building, the attributes of all relations that the building is member of, the attributes of all POIs inside the building and all land-use objects that intersect the building.
Process rules
- Geometry
Wraps the WKT formatted geometry of a building in the ST_GeomFromText()
- Quadkey
Determines the Quadkey tile of a building, based on the latitude and longitude of the centroid.
- RelationID
Determines the building relation OSM ID.
- StoriesAndFloorspace
Finds the building:levels
tag in the attributes of the building or one of the building
relations and saves it as number of stories. Calculates the floorspace of the building, based on the
footprint size of the building and the number of stories.
Upsert rules
- ObmBuildingsUpsert
Insert or update a building in the obm_buildings