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\title{Simple explicit 1D forward-Euler advection, multispecies}
AdvectionPQC(conc, inflow = rep(0, ncol(conc)), dx, dt, U)
\item{conc}{either a vector or a matrix containing the chemical
state to be updated}
\item{inflow}{vector of concentrations entering the inlet}
\item{dx}{the grid spacing in m}
\item{dt}{the required time step in s}
\item{U}{Darcy velocity in m^3/s}
a matrix containing the state after the advection
This function takes the current state of a chemical system in form
of a matrix, a vector of concentrations representing boundary
conditions (injection), the required time step (dt/s), grid spcing
(dx/m) and U (Darcy velocity/m^3/s). Note that it is
responsibility of user to check that the required dt does not
trespass the CFL condition.