clip_to_poly fails for multiband raster
while using arosics, I ran into a small bug when trying to clip the resulting GeoArray to its footprint. Here is an example with a multiband raster:
from geoarray import GeoArray
import numpy as np
import rasterio
# just some random data
crs = rasterio.CRS.from_epsg(32632)
transform = rasterio.Affine(100.0, 0.0, 797601, 0.0, -100.0, 5827090)
nodata = 0
array_data = np.random.randn(100, 200, 3)
# force some no data into the first column (not sure how it behaves if there is nothing to clip...)
array_data[:,0,:] = nodata
geo_array = GeoArray(array_data, geotransform=transform.to_gdal(), projection=crs.to_wkt(), nodata=nodata)
# fails with AssertionError
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[52], line 1
----> 1 geo_array.clip_to_footprint()
File ~/Documents/misc/2023-02-09_bug_geoarray/./geoarray-main/geoarray/, in GeoArray.clip_to_footprint(self)
1599 def clip_to_footprint(self):
1600 """Clip the GeoArray instance to the outer bounds of the actual footprint."""
-> 1601 self.clip_to_poly(self.footprint_poly)
File ~/Documents/misc/2023-02-09_bug_geoarray/./geoarray-main/geoarray/, in GeoArray.clip_to_poly(self, poly)
1609 self.arr,, self.projection = self.get_mapPos(mapBounds=poly.bounds)
1610 self.mask_nodata.arr,, self.mask_nodata.projection = \
1611 self.mask_nodata.get_mapPos(mapBounds=poly.bounds, mapBounds_prj=self.prj)
-> 1612 assert self.shape == self.mask_nodata.shape
1614 if self._mask_baddata is not None:
1615 self.mask_baddata.arr,, self.mask_baddata.projection = \
1616 self.mask_baddata.get_mapPos(mapBounds=poly.bounds)
I guess this could easily be solved by changing assert self.shape == self.mask_nodata.shape
to assert self.shape[0:2] == self.mask_nodata.shape
to limit the shape check to first to dimensions. Likewise for assert self.shape == self.mask_baddata.shape
a couple lines later.
I just recently started to use geoarray, so I a not entirely sure if I missed something here. But as far as I can see, the mask is always 2D (height, width) and not (height, width, n_channels), so checking against the first two dimension should suffice? BTW, Everything works as expected once I drop the third dimension from the numpy array.
Best, geopanda1