Exception in case of non-quadratic pixels of the input images.
If the pixels of the input images are not quadratic, AROSICS raises a RuntimError during shift calculation:
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-09998254e4f0> in <module>
6 CR = COREG(ref, tgt, wp=(581752, 5619576), ws=(256,256), max_shift=15)
----> 7 CR.calculate_spatial_shifts()
~/arosics/arosics/CoReg.py in calculate_spatial_shifts(self)
1226 # set self.matchWin and self.otherWin (GeoArray instances)
-> 1227 self._get_image_windows_to_match() # 45-90ms
1229 im0 = self.matchWin[:] if self.matchWin.imID == 'ref' else self.otherWin[:]
~/arosics/arosics/CoReg.py in _get_image_windows_to_match(self)
817 'get_image_windows_to_match. Reference image shape is %s whereas shift '
818 'image shape is %s.' % (str(self.matchBox.wp), self.matchWin.shape, self.otherWin.shape)),
--> 819 warn=True)
821 # check of odd dimensions of output images
~/arosics/arosics/CoReg.py in _handle_error(self, error, warn, warnMsg)
332 if not self.ignErr:
--> 333 raise error
335 def _set_outpathes(self, im_ref, im_tgt):
RuntimeError: Caught a possible ProgrammingError at window position (581752, 5619576): Bad output of get_image_windows_to_match. Reference image shape is (256, 256) whereas shift image shape is (418, 256).