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  • Daniel Scheffler's avatar
    Bugfix for RANSAC outlier detection; fastened RANSAC parameter optimization;... · c22e185e
    Daniel Scheffler authored
    Bugfix for RANSAC outlier detection; fastened RANSAC parameter optimization; added maximum points parameter
    - __init__():
        - added new keyword 'max_points' for setting maximum number points to which co-registration algorithm is applied
        - revised docstring
    - view_CoRegPoints(): removed dirty hack from last commit
    - __init__():
        - added new keyword 'max_points' for setting maximum number points to which co-registration algorithm is applied
        - revised docstring
    - _get_imXY__mapXY_points(): added docstring
    - added function _exclude_bad_XYpos()
    - get_CoRegPoints_table():
         - removed keyword 'exclude_outliers' (makes no sense anymore)
         - moved exclusion of bad data points to new function _exclude_bad_XYpos()
         - added random point selection in case maximum number of points has been provided
    - results of RANSAC filtering are now correctly merged to rest of the point cloud
    - revised _RANSAC_outlier_detection(): fastened parameter optimization
    - updated __version__