diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index e1a16d1df954983228b3b9778eb6fe9015b0a629..4a13e1831363718440c95b368c18ef6fc9e377b0 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -52,19 +52,23 @@ upload-job:
     - apt-get install -y -qq curl jq --fix-missing
     - apt-get install -y -qq python3-dev python3-pip
     # get the version that is being installed
-    - 'export version=$(grep -oP "(?<=__version__ = ).*" ./pymagglobal/__init__.py)'
-    - 'export version=${version:1:-1}'
-    - 'echo $version'
+    - export version=$(grep -oP "(?<=__version__ = ).*" ./pymagglobal/__init__.py)
+    - export version=${version:1:-1}
+    - echo $version
     # get the corresponding package id
-    - 'export ID=$(curl -s --request GET --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${API_ACCES_TOKEN}" "https://git.gfz-potsdam.de/api/v4/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages" | jq --arg VERSION "$version" --raw-output ".[] | if .version==$VERSION then .id else null end" | grep -v null)'
-    - 'echo $ID'
+    - |
+      export ID=$(curl -s --request GET --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${API_ACCES_TOKEN}" "https://git.gfz-potsdam.de/api/v4/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages" | jq --arg VERSION "$version" --raw-output '.[] | if .version==$VERSION then .id else null end' | grep -v null)
+    - echo $ID
     # remove the package, as we want a new build even if the version number did not change
-    - 'curl --max-time 900 --connect-timeout 120 --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${API_ACCES_TOKEN}" "https://git.gfz-potsdam.de/api/v4/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/$ID"'
+    - |
+      curl --max-time 900 --connect-timeout 120 --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${API_ACCES_TOKEN}" "https://git.gfz-potsdam.de/api/v4/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/$ID"
     # install twine
     - pip install twine
     # upload
     - TWINE_PASSWORD=${CI_JOB_TOKEN} TWINE_USERNAME=gitlab-ci-token python3 -m twine upload --repository-url https://git.gfz-potsdam.de/api/v4/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/pypi dist/* --verbose
+    refs:
+      - master
       - pymagglobal/*.py
       - pymagglobal/dat/*
@@ -81,6 +85,8 @@ test-conda:
     - pip install pymagglobal[tests] --extra-index-url https://public:5mz_iyigu-WE3HySBH1J@git.gfz-potsdam.de/api/v4/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/pypi/simple
     - python3 tests/run_tests.py
+    refs:
+      - master
       - pymagglobal/*.py
       - pymagglobal/dat/*
@@ -105,6 +111,14 @@ test-debian:
       - ./docs/pic_dip.png
       - ./docs/pic_cfe.png
       - ./docs/pic_cfs.png
+  only:
+    refs:
+      - master
+    changes:
+      - pymagglobal/*.py
+      - pymagglobal/dat/*
+      - setup.py
+      - tests/*
   stage: deploy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00dbef8449234572ede5444577f9e03a397da2d2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+2021-05-12  v0.1.1
+	* the python backend can now handle models with uncertainty
+	* the field method now handles the field type (dif vs nez.)
+	* minor bug-fixes
diff --git a/pymagglobal/_commands.py b/pymagglobal/_commands.py
index 6fc584603446e0c66af5cde0b8390f26a9129d18..91a301e8e9ed12af051906b57600a2dff9923331 100644
--- a/pymagglobal/_commands.py
+++ b/pymagglobal/_commands.py
@@ -390,10 +390,7 @@ def maps(args):
     # BUGFIX: white edges in cartopy
     z_at[1] -= 180
     # use the core function to get the field
-    field = core.field(z_at, args.model)
-    # convert the field if necessary
-    if args.type == 'dif':
-        field = np.array(utils.nez2dif(*field))
+    field = core.field(z_at, args.model, field_type=args.type)
     # output formats for dif and nez components
     fmts = {'dif': ('%.1f', '%.1f', '%2.6f', '%2.6f', '%1.7e'),
             'nez': ('%.1f', '%.1f', '%1.7e', '%1.7e', '%1.7e')}
diff --git a/pymagglobal/core.py b/pymagglobal/core.py
index 4f94de9a61f8910abdc5e41849e7a0f51d665137..1ebd76ef547700c55f86803b1bbb4558cb49a871 100644
--- a/pymagglobal/core.py
+++ b/pymagglobal/core.py
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import numpy as np
 from scipy.interpolate import BSpline
 from pymagglobal.utils import nez2dif, REARTH, i2lm_l, i2lm_m, lmax2N, lm2i, \
-    dsh_basis
+    dsh_basis, grad_d, grad_i, grad_f
 __all__ = ['built_in_models', 'Model', 'master_curve', 'coefficients',
@@ -79,6 +79,9 @@ class Model(object):
         A large array containing coefficients at the (inner) knots.
     splines : scipy.interpolate.BSpline
         A `BSpline` instance representing the model.
+    cov_splines : scipy.interpolate.BSpline
+        A `BSPline` instance giving the covariances. Only available for certain
+        models. Default is `None`.
     def __init__(self, name, fname=None):
         self.name = name
@@ -107,6 +110,7 @@ class Model(object):
         self.splines = BSpline(self.knots,
+        self.cov_splines = None
     def valid_epoch(self, epoch):
         '''Check whether the given epoch is in the range of the model.
@@ -124,12 +128,21 @@ class Model(object):
         epoch = np.asarray(epoch)
         out_of_range = epoch[(epoch < self.t_min) + (self.t_max < epoch)]
         if np.any(out_of_range):
-            warn(f'Epochs {out_of_range} are outside of the models range [{self.t_min},'
-                 f' {self.t_max}]. The result will be extrapolated and not '
-                 f'robust.',
+            warn(f'Epochs {out_of_range} are outside of the models range '
+                 f'[{self.t_min}, {self.t_max}]. The result will be '
+                 f'extrapolated and not robust.',
         return epoch
+    @property
+    def _has_covariances(self):
+        return (self.cov_splines is not None)
+    @_has_covariances.setter
+    def _has_covariances(self, value):
+        raise RuntimeError("Private property '_has_covariances' can not be "
+                           " set manually.")
     def valid_degrees_orders(self, degrees, orders):
         '''Check whether the given degrees and orders are valid for the model
         and calculate the corresponding indices.
@@ -163,7 +176,8 @@ class Model(object):
         return inds
-def master_curve(times, loc, splines, ser_type='dif', check=True):
+def master_curve(times, loc, splines, cov_splines=None, ser_type='dif',
+                 check=True):
     '''Create master curves from a splines object.
@@ -177,6 +191,10 @@ def master_curve(times, loc, splines, ser_type='dif', check=True):
     ser_type : {'dif', 'nez'}
         The type of the master curves. May be either 'dif' (default) for
         declination, inclination and intensity or 'nez' for north, east, down.
+    cov_splines : scipy.interpolate.BSpline, optional
+        A BSpline interpolating the covariance matrices of the coefficients.
+        If a model is passed to splines, this argument will be ignored and set,
+        if the model's covariances are available.
     check : bool, optional
         If a Model is given, check the input validity.
@@ -184,18 +202,26 @@ def master_curve(times, loc, splines, ser_type='dif', check=True):
         The first component master curve. Either declination or north,
-        depending on the ser_type kwarg.
+        depending on the ser_type kwarg. If cov_splines is given, a tuple
+        containing the component and the standard deviation is returned.
         The second component master curve. Either inclination or east,
-        depending on the ser_type kwarg.
+        depending on the ser_type kwarg. If cov_splines is given, a tuple
+        containing the component and the standard deviation is returned.
         The third component master curve. Either intensity or down,
-        depending on the ser_type kwarg.
+        depending on the ser_type kwarg. If cov_splines is given, a tuple
+        containing the component and the standard deviation is returned.
+    if ser_type not in ['nez', 'dif']:
+        raise ValueError(f"{ser_type} is not a valid series type. 'dif' and "
+                         f"'nez' are supported.")
     if isinstance(splines, Model):
         if check:
             for it in np.atleast_1d(times):
+        if splines._has_covariances:
+            cov_splines = splines.cov_splines
         splines = splines.splines
         n_plt = len(times)
@@ -208,27 +234,31 @@ def master_curve(times, loc, splines, ser_type='dif', check=True):
     z_mst[2] = REARTH
     z_mst[3] = times
     # the master curves are just field values at a constant location
-    mst_cv = field(z_mst, splines)
+    mst_cv = field(z_mst, splines, cov_splines=cov_splines,
+                   field_type=ser_type)
-    if ser_type == 'dif':
-        return nez2dif(*mst_cv)
-    elif ser_type == 'nez':
+    if cov_splines is None:
         return mst_cv[0], mst_cv[1], mst_cv[2]
-    else:
-        raise ValueError(f"{ser_type} is not a valid series type. 'dif' and "
-                         f"'nez' are supported.")
+    return (mst_cv[0][0], mst_cv[1][0]), (mst_cv[0][1], mst_cv[1][1]), \
+        (mst_cv[0][2], mst_cv[1][2])
-def coefficients(epoch, splines, check=True):
+def coefficients(epoch, splines, cov_splines=None, check=True):
     '''Evaluate splines at an epoch and return the coefficients, together with
     the appropriate degrees and orders.
-    epoch : float
-        The epoch at which to return the coefficients, in years.
+    epoch : float or array
+        The epoch(s) at which to return the coefficients, in years.
     splines : scipy.interpolate.BSpline or Model
         An instance of Model or splines specifying the model.
+    cov_splines : scipy.interpolate.BSpline, optional
+        A BSpline interpolating the covariance matrices of the coefficients.
+        If a model is passed to splines, this argument will be ignored and set,
+        if the model's covariances are available. If cov_splines is given,
+        the standard deviations are returned as a fourth return value.
     check : bool, optional
         If a Model is given, check the input validity.
@@ -246,16 +276,27 @@ def coefficients(epoch, splines, check=True):
         if check:
             for it in np.atleast_1d(epoch):
+        if splines._has_covariances:
+            cov_splines = splines.cov_splines
         splines = splines.splines
     coeffs = splines(epoch)
     # set up degrees and orders for output purposes
     ls = [i2lm_l(it) for it in range(splines.c.shape[1])]
     ms = [i2lm_m(it) for it in range(splines.c.shape[1])]
+    if cov_splines is None:
+        return ls, ms, coeffs
-    return ls, ms, coeffs
+    covs = cov_splines(epoch)
+    try:
+        covs = np.diagonal(covs, axis1=1, axis2=2)
+    except np.AxisError:
+        covs = np.diagonal(covs)
+    return ls, ms, coeffs, np.sqrt(covs)
-def dipole_series(times, splines, check=True):
+def dipole_series(times, splines, cov_splines=None, check=True):
     '''Create a dipole-moment time series from a splines object.
@@ -264,28 +305,54 @@ def dipole_series(times, splines, check=True):
         The times for which to create the master curve.
     splines : scipy.interpolate.BSpline or Model
         An instance of Model or splines specifying the model.
+    cov_splines : scipy.interpolate.BSpline, optional
+        A BSpline interpolating the covariance matrices of the coefficients.
+        If a model is passed to splines, this argument will be ignored and set,
+        if the model's covariances are available. If cov_splines is given,
+        the 16- and 84-percentiles are returned along with the series.
     check : bool, optional
         If a Model is given, check the input validity.
-        An array containing the dipole-moment time series.
+        An array containing the dipole-moment time series. If cov_splines is
+        given, the 16- and 84-percentiles are returned along with the series.
     if isinstance(splines, Model):
         if check:
             for it in np.atleast_1d(times):
+        if splines._has_covariances:
+            cov_splines = splines.cov_splines
         splines = splines.splines
-    # evaluate the splines
-    coeffs = splines(times).T
-    # calculate the dipole moment
-    dip_ser = np.sqrt(coeffs[0]**2 + coeffs[1]**2
-                      + coeffs[2]**2)
-    # get the units to 1e22 [m^2 A]
-    dip_ser *= 0.63712**3/1000
-    return dip_ser
+    # conversion factor from nT to 1e22 [m^2 A]
+    conversion = 0.63712**3/1000
+    if cov_splines is None:
+        # evaluate the splines
+        coeffs = splines(times).T
+        # calculate the dipole moment
+        dip_ser = np.sqrt(coeffs[0]**2 + coeffs[1]**2
+                          + coeffs[2]**2)
+        dip_ser *= conversion
+        return dip_ser
+    coeffs = splines(times)[:, :3]
+    covs = cov_splines(times)[:, :3, :3]
+    mus = np.empty(len(times))
+    errs_16 = np.empty(len(times))
+    errs_84 = np.empty(len(times))
+    for it, (mu, cov) in enumerate(zip(coeffs, covs)):
+        ens_dip = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=mu,
+                                                cov=cov,
+                                                size=10000).T
+        ens_dip = ens_dip.reshape(-1, 3, 10000)
+        ens_m = np.sqrt(np.square(ens_dip).sum(axis=1))
+        ens_m *= conversion
+        mus[it] = ens_m.mean(axis=1)
+        errs_16[it], errs_84[it] = np.percentile(ens_m, (16, 84), axis=1)
+    return mus, errs_16, errs_84
 def file2splines(fname):
@@ -312,9 +379,8 @@ def file2splines(fname):
     return c_splines
-def field(z_at, splines, check=True):
-    '''Evaluate coefficient splines at locations z_at and return the field in
-    north, east, down components.
+def field(z_at, splines, cov_splines=None, field_type='nez', check=True):
+    '''Evaluate coefficient splines at locations z_at and return the field.
@@ -331,19 +397,30 @@ def field(z_at, splines, check=True):
     splines : scipy.interpolate.BSpline or Model
         An instance of Model or splines specifying the model.
+    cov_splines : scipy.interpolate.BSpline, optional
+        A BSpline interpolating the covariance matrices of the coefficients.
+        If a model is passed to splines, this argument will be ignored and set,
+        if the model's covariances are available. If cov_splines is given,
+        the standard deviations are returned as a second return value.
+    field_type : {'dif', 'nez'}
+        The type of output. May be either 'nez' (default) for north, east and
+        down component or 'dif' for declination, inclination and intensity.
     check : bool, optional
         If a Model is given, check the input validity.
     array of shape (3, n)
-        An array containing the north, east and down component at the input
-        locations.
+        An array containing the field components at the input locations. If
+        cov_splines is given, the standard deviations are returned as a
+        second return value of identical shape.
     if isinstance(splines, Model):
         if check:
             for it in np.atleast_1d(z_at[3]):
+        if splines._has_covariances:
+            cov_splines = splines.cov_splines
         splines = splines.splines
     # count the number of inputs
     n_pts = z_at.shape[1]
@@ -361,6 +438,45 @@ def field(z_at, splines, check=True):
     # calculate the field as a dot product between coefficients and basis
     field = np.einsum('ij, ijk -> jk',
-                      spatial)
-    return field.T
+                      spatial).T
+    if cov_splines is None:
+        if field_type == 'dif':
+            field = np.array(nez2dif(*field))
+        return field
+    covs = cov_splines(z_at[3]).T
+    if field_type == 'dif':
+        field_cov = np.einsum('ilk, ijl, jlm -> lkm',
+                              spatial,
+                              covs,
+                              spatial)
+        grad_D = grad_d(*field)
+        cov_D = np.einsum('ij, ijk, ik -> i',
+                          grad_D,
+                          field_cov,
+                          grad_D)
+        grad_I = grad_i(*field)
+        cov_I = np.einsum('ij, ijk, ik -> i',
+                          grad_I,
+                          field_cov,
+                          grad_I)
+        grad_F = grad_f(*field)
+        cov_F = np.einsum('ij, ijk, ik -> i',
+                          grad_F,
+                          field_cov,
+                          grad_F)
+        return np.array(nez2dif(*field)), \
+            np.sqrt(np.array([cov_D, cov_I, cov_F]))
+    field_cov = np.einsum('ilk, ijl, jlk -> lk',
+                          spatial,
+                          covs,
+                          spatial)
+    return field, np.sqrt(field_cov).T
diff --git a/pymagglobal/utils.py b/pymagglobal/utils.py
index 89d9a3caf45b40829d48269090933d3434f8dc74..fab697974eb4251c853c95a5442fec2423318095 100644
--- a/pymagglobal/utils.py
+++ b/pymagglobal/utils.py
@@ -39,6 +39,32 @@ def _nicelabel(label):
     return fr'${parts[0]}$ {parts[1]}'
+def grad_d(n, e, z):
+    '''Calculate the gradient of D.
+    '''
+    res = np.column_stack((-e, n, np.zeros_like(n)))
+    res /= (n**2 + e**2)[:, np.newaxis]
+    return np.rad2deg(res)
+def grad_i(n, e, z):
+    '''Calculate the gradient of I.
+    '''
+    res = -np.column_stack((n, e, z)) \
+        * z[:, np.newaxis]
+    res /= (n**2 + e**2 + z**2)[:, np.newaxis]
+    res[:, 2] += 1.
+    res /= np.sqrt(n**2 + e**2)[:, np.newaxis]
+    return np.rad2deg(res)
+def grad_f(n, e, z):
+    '''Calculate the gradient of F '''
+    res = np.column_stack((n, e, z))
+    res /= np.sqrt(n**2 + e**2 + z**2)[:, np.newaxis]
+    return res
 def nez2dif(n, e, z):
     '''Transform the magnetic field components north, east and vertically
     downward to declination, inclination and intensity.