diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 1b7e0c42e515f3919709805e85a02b679150f7bb..29cde43c7b053f51d3e1349b0685bede581bf3e1 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -7,5 +7,19 @@ test_gts2_client:
     - source ~/anaconda3/bin/activate
     - export GDAL_DATA=/home/gitlab-runner/anaconda3/share/gdal
-    - python setup.py install
-    - ./test.sh
+    - make coverage
+  artifacts:
+    paths:
+    - htmlcov/
+  stage: deploy
+  dependencies:
+    - test_gts2_client
+  script:
+    - mkdir -p public/coverage
+    - cp -r htmlcov/* public/coverage/
+  artifacts:
+    paths:
+      - public
+    expire_in: 600 days
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66d78694c004e4ac1597bd9ad13b9ab06bcaaae9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+clean: clean-build clean-pyc clean-test ## remove all build, test, coverage and Python artifacts
+clean-build: ## remove build artifacts
+	rm -fr build/
+	rm -fr dist/
+	rm -fr .eggs/
+	find . -name '*.egg-info' -exec rm -fr {} +
+	find . -name '*.egg' -exec rm -f {} +
+clean-pyc: ## remove Python file artifacts
+	find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm -f {} +
+	find . -name '*.pyo' -exec rm -f {} +
+	find . -name '*~' -exec rm -f {} +
+	find . -name '__pycache__' -exec rm -fr {} +
+clean-test: ## remove test and coverage artifacts
+	rm -rf .tox/
+	rm -rf .coverage
+	rm -rf htmlcov/
+coverage: ## check code coverage quickly with the default Python
+	coverage run --source gts2_client setup.py test
+	coverage report -m
+	coverage html
+coverage_view: coverage ## check code coverage quickly with the default Python
+	$(BROWSER) htmlcov/index.htm
+test: ## run tests quickly with the default Python
+	python setup.py test
+install: clean ## install the package to the active Python's site-packages
+	python setup.py install
+gitlab_CI_docker: ## Build CI docker runner
+	cd ./tests/CI_docker/; bash ./build_gts2_client_testsuite_image.sh
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ec19abf54fa194ff5b9488932793b06b2ee63bf5..2cae5c55dea7150934d5c18d919ddee70f93fb79 100755
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # GTS2 Sentinel-2 downloader
-## Status
-[![build status](https://gitext.gfz-potsdam.de/gts2/gts2_client/badges/master/build.svg)](https://gitext.gfz-potsdam.de/gts2/gts2_client/commits/master)
+.. figure:: https://gitext.gfz-potsdam.de/gts2/gts2_client/master/build.svg
+.. figure:: https://gitext.gfz-potsdam.de/gts2/gts2_client/master/coverage.svg
 ## Description
 This program package downloads Sentinel-2 data from the GTS2
diff --git a/gts2_client/gts2_client.py b/gts2_client/gts2_client.py
index 38160f4a081e2277e662363c031d9ba38ef3f2f0..2da4a22743d1882b155640054b790c16fbfe3fdf 100755
--- a/gts2_client/gts2_client.py
+++ b/gts2_client/gts2_client.py
@@ -13,13 +13,14 @@ import netCDF4 as nc4
 from glob import glob
 from os.path import expanduser
 import time
+import logging
 class gts2_request(dict):
     def __init__(self, ll, ur, auth, bands="B02_B04_B08", version="0.6", date_from="20160107", date_to="20160507",
-                 minimum_fill="1.0", sensor="S2A", level="L2A", suffix="", max_cloudy="1.0", utm_zone=""):
+                 minimum_fill="1.0", sensor="S2A", level="L2A", suffix="", max_cloudy="1.0", utm_zone="", logger=None):
         if auth[0] == "agricircle":
             address = "https://rz-vm175.gfz-potsdam.de:4444/AC"
@@ -49,15 +50,31 @@ class gts2_request(dict):
                                             minimum_fill=minimum_fill, sensor=sensor, level=level, version=version,
                                             ll_lon=ll[0], ll_lat=ll[1],
                                             ur_lon=ur[0], ur_lat=ur[1], max_cloudy=max_cloudy, utm_zone=utm_zone)
-        print(">>>>>> API-call: %s " % self.api_call)
+        logger.info(">>>>>> API-call: %s " % self.api_call)
         # get data, update dict from json
         self.update(requests.get(self.api_call, verify=False, auth=auth).json())
-def json_to_tiff(out_mode, api_result, only_tile, outpath, out_prefix, wl, level, stack_resolution, bands):
-    # get data from json dict and convert to array
+def json_to_tiff(out_mode, api_result, only_tile, outpath, out_prefix, wl, level, stack_resolution, bands, logger=None):
+    """
+    Get data from json dict and save if as singletif files OR:
+    save all requested bands plus cloudmask as one tiff file per date and tile.
+    :param out_mode:
+    :param api_result:
+    :param only_tile:
+    :param outpath:
+    :param out_prefix:
+    :param wl:
+    :param level:
+    :param stack_resolution:
+    :param bands:
+    :param logger:
+    :return:
+    """
     if out_mode == "single":
+        logger.info("Converting json data to single tiff files")
             for tile_key in api_result['Results'].keys():
                 if (only_tile != "") & (tile_key != only_tile):
@@ -118,10 +135,8 @@ def json_to_tiff(out_mode, api_result, only_tile, outpath, out_prefix, wl, level
             raise Exception("Something went wrong while writing single tifs. " + traceback.format_exc())
-        print("... converting json data to single tiff files: ... done")
-    # save all requested bands plus cloudmask as one tiff file per date and tile
     if out_mode == "stack":
+        logger.info("Converting json data to stacked tiff file")
             for tile_key in api_result['Results'].keys():
                 # get the number of timesteps:
@@ -142,8 +157,8 @@ def json_to_tiff(out_mode, api_result, only_tile, outpath, out_prefix, wl, level
                                          stack_resolution in key]
                     if len(find_ref_band_key) == 0:
-                        print("You have chosen %sm for stack resolution, but did not request at least one band with "
-                              "spatial sampling of %sm" % (stack_resolution, stack_resolution))
+                        logger.error("You have chosen %sm for stack resolution, but did not request at least one "
+                                     "band with spatial sampling of %sm" % (stack_resolution, stack_resolution))
                     ref_band_key = find_ref_band_key[0]
                     ref_data = api_result['Results'][tile_key][ref_band_key]['data'][ti]
@@ -209,11 +224,24 @@ def json_to_tiff(out_mode, api_result, only_tile, outpath, out_prefix, wl, level
             raise Exception("Something went wrong while stacking. " + traceback.format_exc())
-        print("... converting json data to stacked tiff file: ... done.")
 def json_to_netcdf(out_mode, api_result, outpath, out_prefix, geo_ll, geo_ur, start_date, end_date, bands, level, wl):
-    # get data from json-dict and save as netcdf file
+    """
+    Get data from json-dict and save as netcdf file
+    :param out_mode:
+    :param api_result:
+    :param outpath:
+    :param out_prefix:
+    :param geo_ll:
+    :param geo_ur:
+    :param start_date:
+    :param end_date:
+    :param bands:
+    :param level:
+    :param wl:
+    :return:
+    """
     if out_mode == "nc":
             outfile = "%s/%s_ll%s_%s_ur%s_%s_s%s_e%s_b%s.nc" % (outpath, out_prefix, geo_ll[0], geo_ll[1], geo_ur[0],
@@ -292,15 +320,14 @@ def json_to_netcdf(out_mode, api_result, outpath, out_prefix, geo_ll, geo_ur, st
             raise Exception("Something went wrong while saving as netcdf. " + traceback.format_exc())
-        print("... converting json data to netcdf file: ... done.")
-def client(outpath="", out_prefix="", out_mode="json", geo_ll=(), geo_ur=(), sensor="", bands="", max_cloudy="0.5",
-           level="", start_date="", end_date="", version="0.10", suffix="", minimum_fill="",
-           only_tile="", stack_resolution=""):
+def client(outpath="", out_prefix="", out_mode="json", geo_ll=(), geo_ur=(), sensor="S2A", bands="", max_cloudy="0.5",
+           level="L2A", start_date="", end_date="", version="0.12", suffix="", minimum_fill="",
+           only_tile="", stack_resolution="", quiet=False):
     Downloads data via API and saves it in a wanted file format (.json, .tiff or .nc) or alternatively returns a python 
+    :param quiet: boolean
     :param only_tile: string
     :param minimum_fill: string
     :param outpath: string
@@ -320,14 +347,30 @@ def client(outpath="", out_prefix="", out_mode="json", geo_ll=(), geo_ur=(), sen
-    if stack_resolution not in ["10", "20"]:
-        print("Stack resolution is not in ", ["10", "20"])
+    wl = {'B01': '443nm', 'B02': '490nm', 'B03': '560nm', 'B04': '665nm', 'B05': '705nm', 'B06': '740nm',
+          'B07': '783nm', 'B08': '842nm', 'B8A': '865nm', 'B09': '940nm', 'B10': '1375nm', 'B11': '1610nm',
+          'B12': '2190nm'}
+    if quiet is True:
+        loggerlevel = logging.ERROR
+    else:
+        loggerlevel = logging.INFO
+    logging.basicConfig(level=loggerlevel, format='# %(name)-15s %(message)s')
+    logger = logging.getLogger(name="gts2_client")
+    if stack_resolution not in ["10", "20", ""]:
+        logger.error("Stack resolution is not in ", ["10", "20"])
     if out_mode == "stack" and "B01" in bands:
-        print("Band 1 (B01) can not be stacked. Please request separately.")
+        logger.error("Band 1 (B01) can not be stacked. Please request separately.")
+    try:
+        assert out_mode in ["json", "nc", "single", "stack", "python"]
+    except:
+        raise AssertionError("Invalid output mode. Choose 'json', 'nc', 'single', 'stack' or 'python'.")
     home_dir = expanduser("~")
     cred_file = "%s/credentials_gts2_client" % home_dir
     if len(glob(cred_file)) == 1:
@@ -335,7 +378,7 @@ def client(outpath="", out_prefix="", out_mode="json", geo_ll=(), geo_ur=(), sen
             cred_dict = json.load(cf)
         auth = (cred_dict["user"], cred_dict["password"])
-        print("You did not save your credentials in %s." % cred_file)
+        logger.error("You did not save your credentials in %s." % cred_file)
         user = input("gts2_client - Please insert username: ")
         password = input("gts2_client - Please insert password: ")
         auth = (user, password)
@@ -343,72 +386,55 @@ def client(outpath="", out_prefix="", out_mode="json", geo_ll=(), geo_ur=(), sen
     # options
     opts = {"ll": geo_ll, "ur": geo_ur, "sensor": sensor, "bands": bands,
             "max_cloudy": max_cloudy, "auth": auth, "level": level, "date_from": start_date, "date_to": end_date,
-            "version": version, "suffix": suffix, "minimum_fill": minimum_fill, "utm_zone": only_tile}
+            "version": version, "suffix": suffix, "minimum_fill": minimum_fill, "utm_zone": only_tile, "logger": logger}
     # actual request
-    print("### Requesting data from the GTS2 server ...", )
+    logger.info(" Requesting data from the GTS2 server ...", )
     stime = time.time()
     api_result = gts2_request(**opts)
     runtime = time.time() - stime
-    print("### Runtime of API %7.2f minutes" % (runtime / 60.))
+    logger.info(">> Runtime of API %7.2f minutes" % (runtime / 60.))
     if "message" in api_result.keys():
-        print("###### API call not right or server Problem. ######")
-        print(api_result["message"])
-        print("###################################################")
+        logger.error("###### API call not right or server Problem. ######")
+        logger.error(api_result["message"])
     if api_result["ControlValues"]["API_status"] == 1:
-        print("###### API call not right or server Problem. ######")
+        logger.error("###### API call not right or server Problem. ######")
         for mi in api_result["ControlValues"]["API_message"]:
-            print(mi)
-        print("###################################################")
+            logger.error(mi)
+    if only_tile != "":
+        requ_tiles = api_result['Results'].keys()
+        if only_tile not in requ_tiles:
+            logger.error("Tile %s not available in results." % only_tile)
+            return
     if out_mode == "json":
-        print("### Saving data to json file ...", )
+        logger.info("Saving data to json file ...", )
         json_outfile = "%s/%s_ll%s_%s_ur%s_%s_s%s_e%s_b%s.json" % (outpath, out_prefix,
                                                                    geo_ll[0], geo_ll[1], geo_ur[0], geo_ur[1],
                                                                    start_date, end_date, bands)
         with open(json_outfile, 'w') as f:
             json.dump(api_result, f, indent=4)
-        print("... downloading S2 data from API: ... done.")
     elif out_mode == "nc":
-        print("### Converting data to netcdf-file ...")
-    elif out_mode == "single" or out_mode == "stack":
-        print("### Converting data to %s tif-files ..." % out_mode, )
-    else:
-        print("### Returning python dictionary ...")
-    # test parameters
-    try:
-        assert out_mode in ["json", "nc", "single", "stack", "python"]
-    except:
-        raise AssertionError("Invalid output mode. Choose 'json', 'nc', 'single', 'stack' or 'python'.")
-    if only_tile != "":
-        requ_tiles = api_result['Results'].keys()
-        if only_tile not in requ_tiles:
-            print("Tile %s not available in results." % only_tile)
-            return
-    wl = {'B01': '443nm', 'B02': '490nm', 'B03': '560nm', 'B04': '665nm', 'B05': '705nm', 'B06': '740nm',
-          'B07': '783nm', 'B08': '842nm', 'B8A': '865nm', 'B09': '940nm', 'B10': '1375nm', 'B11': '1610nm',
-          'B12': '2190nm'}
-    if out_mode == "single" or out_mode == "stack":
-        json_to_tiff(out_mode, api_result, only_tile, outpath, out_prefix, wl, level, stack_resolution, bands)
-    if out_mode == "nc":
+        logger.info("Converting data to netcdf-file ...")
         json_to_netcdf(out_mode, api_result, outpath, out_prefix, geo_ll, geo_ur, start_date, end_date, bands, level,
-    if out_mode == "python":
-        print("... Returning python dictionary: ... done")
+    elif out_mode == "single" or out_mode == "stack":
+        logger.info("Converting data to %s tif-files ..." % out_mode, )
+        json_to_tiff(out_mode, api_result, only_tile, outpath, out_prefix, wl, level, stack_resolution, bands,
+                     logger=logger)
+    elif out_mode == "python":
+        logger.info("Returning python dictionary ...")
         return api_result
+    else:
+        return
-    print("... downloading S2 data from API: ... done")
+    logger.info("....DONE.....")
 def str2bool(v):
@@ -454,7 +480,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
                         help="get data with corrected pixel shifts (True or False)")
     parser.add_argument("-z", "--max_cloudy", action="store", required=False, type=str, default="0.5",
                         help="maximal percentage of cloudyness of requested scene (e.g. 0.5)")
-    parser.add_argument("-f", "--minimum_fill", action="store", required=False, type=str, default="0.10",
+    parser.add_argument("-f", "--minimum_fill", action="store", required=False, type=str, default="0.12",
                         help="minimal percentage of data in scene (e.g. 1.0)")
     parser.add_argument("-d", "--utm_zone", action="store", required=False, type=str, default="",
                         help="only return data for specific utm-zone (MGRS-tile, e.g. 33UUV)")
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 943d78ff3117cabcf2a1f603c30eae11860c420b..2c268d1c505b91d6b1e97a4e711cbac95e37535f 100755
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -1,15 +1,31 @@
-from setuptools import setup
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+from importlib import util
-requirements = ["numpy", "gdal", "scipy", "netCDF4"]
+requirements = ["numpy", "scipy", "netCDF4"]
+other_requirements = ["gdal"]
 test_requirements = ["coverage"]
+# test for packages that do not install well with pip
+not_installed = []
+for pi in other_requirements:
+    is_installed = util.find_spec(pi)
+    if is_installed is None:
+        not_installed.append(pi)
+if not_installed != []:
+    raise ModuleNotFoundError(
+        "Could not find the following packages (please use different installer, e.g. conda): %s" % (
+            ', '.join(not_installed)))
-      version='0.2',
-      packages=['gts2_client'],
-      url='git@gitext.gfz-potsdam.de:hannesd/gts2_client.git',
+      version='0.3',
+      packages=find_packages(exclude=['tests*']),
+      url='https://gitext.gfz-potsdam.de/gts2/gts2_client.git',
       license='GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 3, 29 June 2007',
       author='Hannes Diedrich, Niklas Bohn, Andre Hollstein',
       description='Downloads Sentinel-2 data from GTS2 cloud',
-      install_requires=requirements)
\ No newline at end of file
+      install_requires=requirements,
+      test_suite='tests',
+      tests_require=test_requirements
+      )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/runner_build_script.sh b/tests/CI_docker/build_gts2_client_testsuite_image.sh
similarity index 98%
rename from runner_build_script.sh
rename to tests/CI_docker/build_gts2_client_testsuite_image.sh
index b178ac7d8b910279a0b5a2bd862d924041dd2655..bcd869508c6178df5b7b41016529b783d9b2101e 100755
--- a/runner_build_script.sh
+++ b/tests/CI_docker/build_gts2_client_testsuite_image.sh
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
diff --git a/CI_runner/build_runner_image.docker b/tests/CI_docker/context/build_runner_image.docker
similarity index 63%
rename from CI_runner/build_runner_image.docker
rename to tests/CI_docker/context/build_runner_image.docker
index e4579a56b3acbfef8c9702c6a1f393a3314dce81..a79b30deed2e9bca33ebf090825d80461ff78856 100644
--- a/CI_runner/build_runner_image.docker
+++ b/tests/CI_docker/context/build_runner_image.docker
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
 FROM centos:7
-RUN yum update -y
-RUN yum install -y wget vim bzip2
+RUN yum update -y && \
+    yum install -y wget vim bzip2 gcc gcc-c++ make libgl1-mesa-glx mesa-libGL qt5-qtbase-gui git texlive
 RUN /bin/bash -i -c "wget https://repo.continuum.io/archive/Anaconda3-4.3.1-Linux-x86_64.sh && \
     bash ./Anaconda3-4.3.1-Linux-x86_64.sh -b && \
     rm -f /root/Anaconda3-4.3.1-Linux-x86_64.sh"
 RUN /bin/bash -i -c "source ~/anaconda3/bin/activate && \
-    conda install --yes pyqt && \
-    conda install --yes -c conda-forge gdal && \
-    conda install --yes -c conda-forge 'icu=58.*' lxml && \
+    conda install --yes -c conda-forge gdal 'icu=58.*' lxml pyqt coverage && \
     pip install netCDF4"
 RUN mkdir -p /home/tmp/
 COPY credentials_gts2_client /root/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/__init__.py b/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7c68785e9d0b64e1fe46403c4316a9fe1ea36eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/test_gts2_client.py b/tests/test_gts2_client.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a22e6b5bceeb9641e4e7fa60433ccdbfa2e76ff4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_gts2_client.py
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import unittest
+from gts2_client import gts2_client
+import tempfile
+from glob import glob
+import os
+geo_ll = (12.559433, 53.036066)
+geo_ur = (12.737961, 53.238058)
+start_date = "20160420"
+end_date = "20160430"
+bands = "B02_B05"
+version = "0.12"
+level = "L2A"
+max_cloudy = "0.1"
+minimum_fill = "1.0"
+stack_res = "10"
+class TestGts2Client(unittest.TestCase):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+    def setUp(self):
+        pass
+    def tearDown(self):
+        pass
+    def test_gts2_client_tofiles(self):
+        out_modes = ["json", "single", "stack", "nc"]
+        out_formats = ["json", "tif", "tif", "nc"]
+        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
+            for ii, out_mode in enumerate(out_modes):
+                print("#### Testing {om}".format(om=out_mode))
+                gts2_client.client(outpath=tmpdir,
+                                   out_prefix=out_mode,
+                                   out_mode=out_mode,
+                                   geo_ll=geo_ll,
+                                   geo_ur=geo_ur,
+                                   bands=bands,
+                                   start_date=start_date,
+                                   end_date=end_date,
+                                   version=version,
+                                   level=level,
+                                   max_cloudy=max_cloudy,
+                                   minimum_fill=minimum_fill,
+                                   stack_resolution=stack_res)
+                list_of_files = glob(os.path.join(tmpdir, "*{mode}*.{form}".format(form=out_formats[ii],
+                                                                                   mode=out_mode)))
+                if len(list_of_files) == 0:
+                    raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find files matching: *{mode}*.{form}".format(
+                        form=out_formats[ii], mode=out_mode))
+    def test_gts2_client_topython(self):
+        out_mode = "python"
+        print("#### Testing {om}".format(om=out_mode))
+        res = gts2_client.client(out_mode=out_mode,
+                                 geo_ll=geo_ll,
+                                 geo_ur=geo_ur,
+                                 bands=bands,
+                                 start_date=start_date,
+                                 end_date=end_date,
+                                 version=version,
+                                 level=level,
+                                 max_cloudy=max_cloudy,
+                                 minimum_fill=minimum_fill,
+                                 stack_resolution=stack_res)
+        necessary_keys = ["Acknowledgement", "ControlValues", "Metadata", "Request", "RequestGeoInfo", "Results"]
+        for ki in necessary_keys:
+            if not (ki in res.keys()):
+                raise KeyError("{key} is not in returned results.".format(key=ki))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/test.sh b/tests/test_gts2_client.sh
similarity index 100%
rename from test.sh
rename to tests/test_gts2_client.sh