Repeated options for ruff-pre-commit.
In the following hook we can see that options D
and N
are selected twice:
- repo:
rev: v0.7.2
# All configuration options:
- id: ruff
name: "Ruff - Lint and Style"
- "--fix" # Automatically fix simple issues
- "--show-fixes" # Show fixes applied
# Full list of available rule codes:
- "--select=F,E,C90,I,N,D,UP,S,B,SIM" # Includes: Pyflakes, pycodestyle, pep8-naming, pydocstyle, pyupgrade, bandit, flake8-bugbear and flake8-simplify
- "--preview" # Enable preview checks
- "--line-length=120" # Adjust to custom line length according to FERN.Lab guidelines
- "--ignore=D212,D203,D401,D211,D213,D413,D417" # Ignore missing blank line before class or method docstring due to conflicting rules
- "--respect-gitignore" # Respect .gitignore files
- "--select=D" # check for PEP 257 docstring conventions
- "--select=N" # check for NumPy-specific conventions.
files: ^s2downloader/
Does this duplication affects something? Having multiple selects does not invalidate the first ones, right?
How about the W
and C
, they are used in the s2downloader, should they also be part of the selection used by cookiecutter? I think they refer to: mccabe complexity
and isort