Explore projects
Massively parallel reactive transport simulator exploring acceleration strategies such as embedding of AI/ML and cache of results in Distributed Hash Tables. Developed in cooperation with computer scientists of University of Potsdam.
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Online Documentation for IGMAS+: Interactive Gravity and Magnetic Application System
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The sedprep package is a python software designed to preprocess palaeomagnetic sediment records for the geomagnetism community.
For a tutorial and further information see our website.
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mDIS - Mobile Drilling Information System v3 (2022+). Push-Mirrored from private repo at IG Bremen.
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Scientific code, tools and API to generate, process and communicate ground motions.
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A collection of software utilities that aid with initial pre-processing of recorded (seismic) data supporting users that borrow instruments from the GIPP.
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R + fortran code to generate geostatistical spectral simulations of spherical covariance