Explore projects
Massively parallel reactive transport simulator exploring acceleration strategies such as embedding of AI/ML and cache of results in Distributed Hash Tables. Developed in cooperation with computer scientists of University of Potsdam.
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GFZ's MT repository contains geophysical data sets collected with electromagnetic (EM) experiments. This GitLab project contains a demo data set (DEMO.2018) and code snippets to access the data files.
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Code to convert output from surface to a final 3D Exodus mesh to be used in Moose based applications (targeted GOLEM/LYNX)
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easyWave is an application that is used to simulate tsunami generation and propagation in the context of early warning. It makes use of GPU acceleration to speed up the calculations.
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MATLAB package for seismic moment tensor inversion and refinement
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Code to convert output from surface to a final 3D Exodus mesh to be used in Moose based applications (targeted GOLEM/LYNX)
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Code to calculate synthetic stress/strain/tilt/gravitational fields on a layered viscoelastic halfspace.