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Judith Bott / ascii2exodus
European Union Public License 1.2Code to convert output from surface to a final 3D Exodus mesh to be used in Moose based applications (targeted GOLEM/LYNX)
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MOOSE / ascii2exodus
European Union Public License 1.2Code to convert output from surface to a final 3D Exodus mesh to be used in Moose based applications (targeted GOLEM/LYNX)
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id2 / geoperil / easyWave
European Union Public License 1.1easyWave is an application that is used to simulate tsunami generation and propagation in the context of early warning. It makes use of GPU acceleration to speed up the calculations.
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Code to calculate synthetic stress/strain/tilt/gravitational fields on a layered viscoelastic halfspace.
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Code to calculate synthetic seismograms based on a layered viscoelastic half-space earth model.
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Code to calculate synthetic seismograms based on a layered viscoelastic half-space earth model. Allows to efficiently model multiple receiver side structures.
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Code for calculating complete synthetic seismograms of a spherical earth using normal mode theory.
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sec15pub / GCex
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyGCex is an interactive exploration prototype for geochemical simulation data. It implements an early version of Stacked Parameter Relation (SPR) visualization which guides the user to interesting relationships in the data from the model.
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Grzegorz Kwiatek / hybridmt
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyMATLAB package for seismic moment tensor inversion and refinement
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Antoine Jacquey / LYNX
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyLithosphere dYnamics Numerical toolboX - a MOOSE-based application
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Global Dynamic Exposure / third-party / mod_tile
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterUpdated -
GFZ's MT repository contains geophysical data sets collected with electromagnetic (EM) experiments. This GitLab project contains a demo data set (DEMO.2018) and code snippets to access the data files.
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naaice / POET
Affero General Public License v1.0Massively parallel reactive transport simulator exploring acceleration strategies such as embedding of AI/ML and cache of results in Distributed Hash Tables. Developed in cooperation with computer scientists of University of Potsdam.
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Henning Francke / YAWS
OtherYet Another Borehole SimulatorThermo-hydraulic wellbore simulator built for the geothermal well Groß Schönebeck featuring multisalt-two-phase fluid brine via BrineProp