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Bug fixes associated with having adapted the code to run with the config file

Cecilia Nievas requested to merge bug_fix_20200910_b into master
  • A couple other bugs associated with having changed the names of some variables when adapting the code to run with the config file.
  • The definition of the list of cells to run evolved with time and different files. When adapting the code to run with the config file I created one function that is now applied to all files (this is what the "Cells to Process" part of the config file controls). However, I had left behind some print statements, etc, that needed to be expanded to consider the larger number of possibilities that using this unified function brought (i.e. defining by country, admin ID, arbitrary list, random from country or by bounding box).
  • Added a print('Done!') statement at the end of each script (some had it, some did not). This facilitates interpreting when the code has finished running when running it remotely and recording the screen output to a log file.

Merge request reports