Program is killed when importing big countries
I wrote a bash program to import baseline of a few countries in one fore loop like:
for IsoCode in TUR ITA DEU
time=`date "+%F-%T"`
python3 blah/ $model -i $IsoCode -e blah/$IsoCode'_'$model'_'$time'.db' -c blah/config.ini -B -b -C
For Turkey, after 11 minutes the program is killed, then it goes for Italy, also gets killed after 9 minutes. So I tried the same code for Andorra and it worked for 4 minutes and ran successfully. Also at the same time, a Turkey with BB=34.1252,35.4497,41.846,40.23 was running (is still running at the time of writing this) and has not failed.
Any idea where the problem is coming from?