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    added function for quickly reprojecting GeoArray to a given pixel grid;... · abefb430
    Daniel Scheffler authored
    added function for quickly reprojecting GeoArray to a given pixel grid; mask_nodata is now a subclass of GeoArray
    - snap_bounds_to_pixGrid(): added docstring
        - bandnames getter: bugfix for not checking if shape of GeoArray.arr changed
        - mask_nodata setter: now sets mask_nodata to a subclass of GeoArray 'NoDataMask'
        - __getattr__(): now also returns results of functions belonging to np.array instances
        - calc_mask_nodata(): changed data type of nodata mask to np.bool
        - save(): bugfix for wrong metadata keys
        - added reproject_to_new_grid(): function for quickly reprojection all array-like attributes to a given target grid
    - BadDataMask:
        - bugfix for not allowing certain pixel value combinations
    added class NoDataMask
    updated __version__