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  • Daniel Scheffler's avatar
    geo.raster.reproject: · 903d411c
    Daniel Scheffler authored
    - added a new version of warp_ndarray and renamed the old one to warp_ndarray_OLD: much faster than the old version and no issues when warping 3D arrays
    - some modifications to warp_ndarray_OLD
    - added get_GDAL_ds_inmem()
    - added get_GeoArray_from_GDAL_ds()
    - added warp_GeoArray(): a function to warp GeoArray objects
    - added transform_GCPlist()
     - WKT2EPSG() now returns an integer instead of a string
    - GeoArray:
        - added whitespace assertion to __init__()
        - added properties 'rows', 'cols', 'bands', 'xgsd', 'ygsd', 'box'
        - dtype: bugfix for error when dtype is requested from in_mem-GeoArray
        - __getitem__(): bugfix for returning the wrong array subset when 'given' slice has length 1
        - show(): added interpolation and cmap keywords
        - get_mapPos(): revision
    - _clip_array_at_mapPos:
        - Memory errors due to wrong target dimensions are now catched
    - get_array_at_mapPos(): major revision
    - added get_outFillZeroSaturated()