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  • Daniel Scheffler's avatar
    added new property 'mask_baddata' to GeoArray; some bugfixes and further... · 76fe39f0
    Daniel Scheffler authored
    added new property 'mask_baddata' to GeoArray; some bugfixes and further developments; new dtypes package
    - added package 'dtypes' with submodule 'conversion' for performing data tyoe conversions
    - warp_ndarray(): input data types that are incompatible to GDAL are now automatically transformed to a GDAL compatible data type
    - get_GDAL_ds_inmem(): added automatic data type conversion if not compatible to GDAL
    - GeoArray:
        - __init__():
            - bugfix for rejecting subclasses of GeoArray
            - added attribute '_mask_baddata'
        - added property 'mask_baddata' + setter
    - added class 'BadDataMask' (subclass of GeoArray)
    - updated __version__