Parameter for quiet mode not correctly passed to Tie_Point_Refiner class when using COREG_LOCAL.
Panji Brotoisworo @PanjiBrotoisworo_gitlab:
Hello, I think I discovered a bug using AROSICS v1.0.3. When I use COREG_LOCAL for geometric correction with q=True or v=False it still prints statements related to tie point filtering. I think the problem is due to instantiation of the Tie_Point_Grid object in in line 339. I see that there is an input for q but it is not being followed because Tie_Point_Refiner in line 416 only uses keyword arguments from outlDetect_settings from line 339 to instantiate the object but it does not include the q parameter.
I managed to suppress the print statement properly by adding the q parameter inside outlDetect_settings dict parameter in line 339 Tie_Point_Grid instantiation.