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  • Daniel Scheffler's avatar
    added interactive visualization for comparing reference and target image... · e06e354b
    Daniel Scheffler authored
    added interactive visualization for comparing reference and target image coregistration before and after de-shifting
    - __init__(): added assertion that rejects GeoArray objects where isinstance(geoArr, GeoArray) returns False due to Jupyter Notebook autoreload magic
    - _set_outpathes(): added assertion
    - added functin show_matchWin() for visualizing reference and target image coregistration before and after de-shifting
    - __init__(): added assertion that rejects GeoArray objects where isinstance(geoArr, GeoArray) returns False due to Jupyter Notebook autoreload magic
    - separated RANSAC outlier detection from _flag_outliers()
    - added _ransac_outlier_detection(): still a prototype
    - updated __version__