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  • Daniel Scheffler's avatar
    internal array attributes of COREG and COREG_LOCAL are now GeoArray instances;... · cc553994
    Daniel Scheffler authored
    internal array attributes of COREG and COREG_LOCAL are now GeoArray instances; added algorithm for calculating shift confidence
    - refactored class to 'GeoArray_CoReg' - a subclass of GeoArray from external package 'py_tools_ds'
    -> fixes duplicate attributes within old class imParamObj
    - revised attribute settings
    - revised add_mask_bad_data()
    - COREG.ref and COREG.shift are now instances of GeoArray
    - refactored attribures 'matchWin' and 'otherWin' to new attributes 'matchBox' and 'otherBox' (instances of boxObj)
    - attribures 'matchWin' and 'otherWin' are now instances of GeoArray class -> allows easy visualization and attribute access
    - added new attribute 'confidence_shifts' -> represents some kind of quality assessment for the calculated shifts
    - show_matchWin():
         - added docstring
         - function body simplification due to new GeoArray attributes
         - added alternative to interactive mode
    - added show_cross_power_spectrum(): function for quickly visulaizing an interactive 3D surface plot of cross power spectrum
    - _get_opt_winpos_winsize():
        - added docstring
        - added automatic adjustion of matching window size in case matching window extent exceeds dimensions of input image overlap area
             -> fixes wrong shift values at the input images (appeared in case of slighly structured image border / if border was no straight line)
    - _get_image_windows_to_match(): adapted function body to new GeoArray attributes
    - _shrink_winsize_to_binarySize():
        - adapted function body to new GeoArray attributes
        - bugfix for not updating COREG.success in case matchign window became too small
    - _get_peakpos(): added docstring
    - added _calc_shift_confidence(): function for calculating a single confidence percentage for assessing calculated shifts
    - _get_deshifted_otherWin(): - adapted function body to new GeoArray attributes
    - calculate_spatial_shifts(): added automatic calculation of shift confidence
    - __init__():
        - added 2nd tieP_filter_level to docstring
        - COREG_LOCAL.imref and COREG_LOCAL.im2shift are now instances of GeoArray
        - added assertion regarding tieP_filter_level
    - _get_spatial_shifts(): now additionally returns COREG.confidence_shifts
    - get_CoRegPoints_table():
         - 'added new column 'CONFIDENCE' to Geom_Quality_Grid.CoRegPoints_table
    - _flag_outliers(): catched empty GeoDataFrame exception
    - test_if_singleprocessing_equals_multiprocessing_result(): now disables RANSAC outlier detection during calculation
    - updated __version__