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  • Daniel Scheffler's avatar
    fixed a lot of incompatibilities caused by only partial revisions; some... · b3a36182
    Daniel Scheffler authored
    fixed a lot of incompatibilities caused by only partial revisions; some bugfixes => version now fully operable again
    - bugfix for not recognizing nodata values if 0
    - bugfix for not setting  imParamObj.nodata in case of inmem-GeoArray
    - added automatic fix of invalid footprint polygon
    - implemented new keyword argument 'path_verbose_out'
    - set_outpathes(): major revision
    - added calc_integer_shifts()
    - added validate_integer_shifts()
    - calculate_spatial_shifts(): simiplified implementation of the algorithm
    - added some comments to calculate_spatial_shifts()
    - get_updated_map_info(): reordered print outputs
    - revised correct_shifts()
    - refactored shift_image_by_updating_map_info() to _shift_image_by_updating_map_info()
    - refactored align_coordinate_grids() to _align_coordinate_grids()
    - refactored resample_without_grid_aligning() to _resample_without_grid_aligning()
    - implemented new keyword 'path_out'
    - added object attribute self.align_grids
    - correct_shifts(): added some comments and the possibility to write results to disk
    Geom_Quality_Grid:     fixed some incompatibilities caused by revision of COREG and DESHIFTER; much faster multiprocessing by avoiding duplicated disk IO
    - __init__():
        - added docstring to __init__()
        - implemented possibility to pass a GeoArrays as arguments to __init__()
        - some code style changes
        - added nodata attribute
    - _get_imXY__mapXY_points(): revised  calculation of outer map coordinates
    - revised _get_spatial_shifts(): now self don't has to be pickled anymore if called in multiprocessing -> much faster multiprocessing
    - revised get_quality_grid() and implemented new call of _get_spatial_shifts()
    - added parameter -vo (path verbose out)