... | ... | @@ -6,23 +6,34 @@ |
# TOArad2TOAref
transforms TOA radiance to TOA reflectance
Transforms TOA radiance to TOA reflectance
# Input
- L1B data
- Sun earth distance or date
- Solar zenith angle or position+date
- Solar irradiance spectrum
# Output
- TOAreflectance (overwritten)
- TOAreflectance (L1B overwritten data cubes)
- Log file / Error message?
# Memory Budget
- < 2 MB
# Necessary Functions
- Sun-earth distance (day, month, year)
- Spectral resampling (spectrum, SRFs, spectral smile)
# Process Work Flow
- Calculate sun-earth distance
- Spectral resampling of solar spectrum for each image cokumn using valid SRFs and spectral smile.
- Transformation to TOA reflectance using sun-earth-distance, solar irradiance spectraum and solar zenith angle.
# Testing
- Input L1B:
- Reference: |