"RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in cast" when joining POLYMER AC results
Starting processing at 2023-12-21 12:06:41.127358
Processing block: size (100, 1000), offset (0, 0)
Processing block: size (100, 1000), offset (100, 0)
Processing block: size (100, 1000), offset (200, 0)
Processing block: size (100, 1000), offset (300, 0)
Processing block: size (100, 1000), offset (400, 0)
Processing block: size (100, 1000), offset (500, 0)
Processing block: size (100, 1000), offset (600, 0)
Processing block: size (100, 1000), offset (700, 0)
Processing block: size (100, 1000), offset (800, 0)
Processing block: size (100, 1000), offset (900, 0)
Processing block: size (24, 1000), offset (1000, 0)
Done in 0:04:10.474827
2023/12/21 12:10:54: Joining results of atmospheric correction.
==> /home/gfz-fe/mambaforge/envs/enpt_full_dev/lib/python3.11/site-packages/enpt/processors/atmospheric_correction/atmospheric_correction.py:319: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in cast
in_detector.data = (out_detector * self.cfg.scale_factor_boa_ref).astype(np.int16)
2023/12/21 12:10:55: Starting orthorectification...
The full log + input and output data was posted here.
This should be checked behind the background of some weird-looking water spectra, e.g. here: