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  • Daniel Scheffler's avatar
    * Fixed issue #37 (Empty FileNotFoundError in case no DEM is provided by the... · 6d3c72cf
    Daniel Scheffler authored
    * Fixed issue #37
     (Empty FileNotFoundError in case no DEM is provided by the user). If no DEM is provided by the user,
      an average elevation (default=0) is used instead. Added corresponding warning and log messages.
    * Fixed exception in case an average elevation is passed.
    * Fixed a bug that caused 0 or 1 integers provided in the config parameters to be converted to booleans.
    * User-provided file paths are now validated directly on startup.
    * DEM_Processor instance can now be created from an average elevation (returns a flat DEM).
    * RPC geolayer generators are now also compatible with an integer as input elevation.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDaniel Scheffler <>